Monday, November 14, 2011

Thoughts on Syria

So it would seem peace has finally come to the Middle East. Syria has called a cease fire and al-Assad, President-Dictator of Syria, has agreed to step down. This is what some would like to see in the news. What has actually happened is that the Arab League has agreed to suspend Syria’s membership on the grounds that the Syrian government did not stop the violence as they had promised. I do not know what this means for the people of Syria or how this will affect the nation as a whole. What I do know is that this is at least a step in the right direction. A sort of foundation with which the people of Syria can start from in order to make a more ideal country for them to live in. Will this transition be simple and painless? Not by a long shot. Two countries that had similar situations, Libya and Egypt, had to go through violent protests followed by full on revolutions , in which hundreds of people lost their lives, in order make the changes they wanted. This process that the people of Syria have initiated is a long and painful process. A process filled with violence, bloodshed, death, and tears; a process that sadly could have been avoided, if things had been more diplomatic. Another tragedy is that the peaceful, diplomatic talks will not happen as their too much tension between the two parties. The people want freedom and change, and the president wants stability and to keep his position through any means. Whether or not the result of the people of Syria’s hardships is something worth the lives lost and the suffering caused is up to the people left after the smoke clears.

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