Do I pray regularly? Not as often as my grandmother would like. Why not? I am not a religious person and there have been a few questions that I have never really gotten a straight answer to. One such question is “What makes religion X the right religion as compared to religion Y?” Those of religion X might argue that their god(s) are the only true god(s). Then again the people of religion Y could make the same argument. They then go on to say that their god(s) are the true god(s). It’s just back and forth with the same gripes and grievances and no one is the better for it. Why can’t they simply leave each other alone? Just adapt a “live and let live” policy and let things be. That or promote inquiry into each other’s religion, without fighting, so that people have a better understanding of the various religions so that when people do argue that the arguments can be made from different points, and that the argument overall means more and the participants gain more from it. If they decide to switch because of it then that is their own business and shouldn’t be condemned for it. In fact, trying other religions should be encouraged. Trying other religions would give one not only a better understanding of other people, but themselves. As for right now it all seems to be one big mess. For those that have read this far into this little foray into religion, my religion is… None. Well… Technically I decided to become a part of Dudeism, but it isn’t really a religion. More like a set of philosophical guidelines to be good to one another and to sit back and chill in life. In the end one’s choice of religion lies not with any outside entity, but with the person themselves.
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