Thursday, September 8, 2011

Post 1 or Don't Panic

I never really thought I would ever be doing one of these. Always figured I would never have anything to say or that no one would bother to read about my life, but here I am. I am writing my first blog. Just a few short weeks ago I started school at Texas Lutheran University. And my how the days have flown. Exciting days at that. I mean every day presents something new here, and every day something new is learned. I was skeptical at first figuring that I would never make it past the first week. I was thinking that I would have an anxiety attack or something of that nature. Then when the day came for me to start? Nothing. I was nervous. Yeah, who isn't? But all is well. I have made new friends and am in my third week of school. The end of the second was kinda rough as I was home for Labor Day Weekend in Cedar Creek when the big fires broke out around Bastrop. Quite possibly one of the scariest three days of my life. All I heard was how the fires were getting bigger and that there was nothing that could be done. Hours ticked by and some of my friends lost their homes. Me missing two days of school seems petty when there are people I know that don't have a home to go back to anymore. Before this gets to long or to depressing let me say Don't Panic.

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