Saturday, September 3, 2011

Post 2 or The Next Frontier

Stardate: -312699.79. Not much has happened since I got back to school. Each day was another day of school. Although the days have started to blur together I have learned something new everyday. I hope that my days here pass by in a fuzzy haze of studying, and tests. I want everything to be new. I wan each day to be a new frontier waiting to be explored. The only downside is the homework. Sometimes the work is challenging and, dare I say it, fun. In the end it has to be done. Sure, I could spend my time lounging about not doing it, but later on it would cost me more effort than if I had done it in the first place. Heck, even this very blog post is a homework assignment. Like the rest of the homework it has to be done. I never really was any good at these things. I tend to bounce around and the post(s) never really come together cohesively. Back to the title of the post. I know that one day that this will be over. That I will have graduated from TLU (Texas Lutheran University) and be let loose on the world. Then yet another Frontier shall have been discovered. Maybe in the future or as I go along I will get better at this. Until then I will write about what comes to mind concerning school and the musings of my life so far. Back to the title of the post.

1 comment:

  1. This was actually done on 9/13/2011. The original was a blank done on the 3rd.
