I have been here in Edinburgh over a month now and have seen more cold, and dreary days than I could shake a handful of sticks at. It has snowed twice that I have seen with none of it sticking. I have worn a jacket everyday knowing it to be cold out, but I can't help see how beautiful it is. There is more history here than I could possibly hope to study in a slew of lifetimes, but what makes this city work and so wonderful is the people. I have yet to meet anyone that I have a distaste for, not saying there isn't anyone just that I have yet to meet them, and have met a good number of people who are among the nicest people I will have the pleasure to meet. The destination, along with the journey are only parts of the experience. What truly makes it is the people you find along the way.
As for general updates I have no class this week due to an event called Innovative Learning Week in which the university hosts a variety of events to expand the minds of both staff and students alike. Just this day I was taken on a tour of Edinburgh Castle to see the military history of Scotland and it's soldiers through history. It was a wonderful experience and the castle provided a spectacular view of the city.